Guidance Documents


3D Printer Registration

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Please provide the name of the responsible party (Principle Investigator, Supervisor, Employee) for the 3D printer.
Please provide the contact number of the responsible party.
Please provide an email address for the responsible party.
Please provide the building and room number associated with the 3D printer.
Will access to the 3D printer be restricted?
Please provide the number of 3D printers associated with this space.
Please provide the manufacturer's make/model associated with each 3D printer unit.
Please provide the media type for each 3D printer listed.
Are all 3D printers within the space fully enclosed?
Is exhaust filtration provided for each 3D printer within the space?

Additional Hazards

Please provide a description of any chemical bath or curing process required with use of the 3D printer.

EHS Review

Has EHS performed a risk assessment of this 3D printer, and its proposed location in the past?
Are you requesting a risk assessment of the 3D printer or process because of a change associated with the space, equipment, or condition?