Any organization hosting an event where food is present and there is any exchange of money at all for an event, including the sale of an entrance ticket or wristband (i.e., an event where tickets are sold in exchange for entrance and food), even if not stated specifically for food, the applicant must submit an Exemption application to the Environmental Health and Safety at least one week (5 business days) in advance.
Once this form is received EHS will forward to the Tuscaloosa County Health Department. Please note that a separate exemption request must be completed for each event.
A menu must be attached to the application.
Completed exemption forms can be returned by email to Margaret Barrett at least 5 business days prior to the event.
Applications can be submitted early if you are aware of food for an event while planning.
If you have any questions, please contact Margaret Barrett with UA Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) at or 205-348-1753.