Gameday Mobile Food Concessions

UA Environmental Health and Safety does not grant permission to come onto campus property or coordinate the set-up of mobile food concessions (food trucks/trailers) on campus property but only acts as a liaison between Tuscaloosa County Health Department and Tuscaloosa Fire Rescue for the safety of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Due to the inherent dangers of cooking in mobile concessions, not only to the occupants but also to the public at large, a Fire and Life Safety Inspection by Tuscaloosa Fire Rescue is required prior to operating on campus.

 Mobile concessions that fry and/or create heat and grease laden vapors shall provide the following:

Annual Certifications:

  • Commercial Kitchen Hood (Annual) Inspection Tag.
  • Portable fire extinguisher, minimum 2A:10BC (Annual) Inspection Tag
  • Class “K” extinguisher (Annual) Inspection Tag

Other conditions to monitor will include visual inspection of power cords and outlets, cleanliness of the unit and cooking equipment, evidence of grease/grime on the outer shell, and unobstructed path to the exit.

Where fuel tanks are stored outside the shell, they shall be properly secured and protected.

Exit pathways shall not be diminished or obstructed in any way by placement of the vehicle and/or associated equipment.

City of Tuscaloosa Ordinance on Food Trucks:

Any vendor, whether franchised or not, licensed as a mobile food vendor in the city shall undergo annual inspection of the mobile food service unit or cart by the Fire Marshal, or his or her designee, prior to October 1 of each year and remedy any fire code violations for which written notice is given to the licensee prior to the annual renewal date of the business license on January 1 of each year. Business license renewals will not be issued until the annual inspection has been completed and any violations for which written notice has been given to the licensee have been remedied.


All food trucks are subject to a random inspection by Tuscaloosa Fire Rescue, Tuscaloosa County Health Department or by University of Alabama Environmental Health and Safety personnel.