Asbestos Management

EHS provides asbestos services including building surveys, inspections, building material analysis, air samples, abatement and consultation. EHS personnel involved in providing services meet or exceed qualifications of comparable persons in the abatement industry.

Building Surveys:

EHS conducts building surveys prior to renovation or demolition projects throughout campus. Project specifics are necessary to make sure that all materials are tested prior to project initiation. Generally the project manager is responsible for scheduling surveys. Due to continuing renovations on campus, please request building surveys as soon as a project is initiated.  Building surveys can take a great deal of time depending upon the scope of the project, age of the structure and other factors. Personnel involved in renovation or demolition projects may request EHS sample specific material encountered in the course of the project.

Building Material Analysis:

EHS is equipped to perform asbestos identification of sampled building materials. Analysis is performed by utilizing polarized light microscopy (PLM). Personnel are certified to perform analysis based upon successful completion of NIOSH course work. Analysis is completed on materials sampled during building surveys or as requested.

Air Samples:

EHS has personnel who are qualified to perform the microscopic analysis of airborne asbestos dust. These samples are taken in support of the asbestos abatement program, personnel monitoring, and to determine final clearance for re-occupancy of the space. Samples are analyzed by polarized light microscopy according to NIOSH standards.

Asbestos Survey Database:

EHS maintains a database which is an overview of known locations of asbestos containing materials within University of Alabama properties. The information contained in this database is intended to provide an overview of the KNOWN locations of asbestos-containing materials in University of Alabama buildings. Use of this information does not replace, supersede or nullify the requirement for an additional asbestos survey by EHS prior to any renovation, demolition or maintenance activity that disturbs building materials. Contact EHS if more specific information is needed.  This Asbestos Survey Database will be updated whenever additional information becomes available.


EHS has an asbestos abatement program that operates in conjunction with maintenance activities on campus as well as construction and demolition projects. EHS personnel certified workers and supervisors. EHS has 30 years of experience in managing on campus abatement projects. EHS is available to oversee, inspect and provide laboratory support to these projects as needed.



EHS provides training to the campus community via the Skillsoft Academy Training Systems and classroom sessions. EHS personnel also provide consultation services to the campus regarding asbestos related issues. EHS personnel involved in asbestos activities are highly trained and experienced. Training includes AHERA and NIOSH courses, worker and abatement supervisor courses, as well as Asbestos Awareness information specific to The University of Alabama.