Molds are a type of Fungi that occur both indoors and outdoors. Molds can grow on almost any organic material.
Molds naturally exist outdoors and are found almost everywhere.
Mold growth is more likely to take place when excessive moisture collects inside buildings, spaces, or on surfaces.
Excessive moisture or leaks can create water damage and lead to the issue of prolific mold growth.
Aspergillus, Alternaria, Penicillium, and Cladosporium are molds that are commonly found in indoor spaces.
Fungal spores, including mold, play a crucial environmental role of decomposing organic material in nature.
Mold spores are allergens and human sensitivity to mold can vary dramatically.
There are currently no standards or baselines established related to mold and the effects humans can experience from airborne exposure.
While proper housekeeping and climate control can keep indoor mold growth to a minimum, it is impossible to completely remove all mold from an indoor environment.
Treatment and Remediation
All sources of excessive moisture must be removed or corrected prior to removal or treatment of any indoor mold growth.
Cleaning products and disinfectants should be used exactly as specified on product labels.
It may be difficult to thoroughly remove mold growth from certain materials such as carpet, sheetrock, and ceiling tiles. Under such circumstances, the material should be properly disposed of and replaced.
Preventing Mold Growth
Molds require warm, humid conditions and a source of nutrients for growth and reproduction. Controlling moisture is the most effective way to minimize indoor mold growth and spore production.
Keep spaces clean, organized, and free of excess clutter.
Avoid obstructing HVAC units with furniture, storage, and clothing. Blocking this equipment can reduce adequate air circulation and allow for excess moisture within the space. To effectively control humidity, all HVAC equipment must remain clear of obstructions.
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