The University of Alabama has been issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for stormwater discharges from regulated small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4). The permit number is ALR040031. The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is The University of Alabama department which is responsible for management of the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP).  The purpose is to protect the water quality of the Black Warrior River and to satisfy requirements of the Clean Water Act. The University of Alabama SWMP includes various management practices, control techniques, engineering methods, and other provisions.

In May 2023, the University Stormwater Management Policy was approved and published.

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Minimum Control Measures

Below are the minimum control measures outlined in the permit requirements.  UA must provide training and information for UA personnel and the public on how we implement each of these control measures.  This information is provided below:

Each minimum control measure will be addressed and detailed separately as part of the Stormwater Management Plan.

Stormwater Phase II Annual Report

Stormwater Management SOP’s

Standard Operating Procedures detailing good housekeeping practices are required to be employed at appropriate municipal facilities and during municipal operations, that may include, but are not limited to, the following:



To report a suspected illicit discharge on campus, to voice concerns or complaints regarding discharges from qualifying construction sites, or to simply ask a question pertaining to stormwater on campus, complete the form below and a member of Environmental Health & Safety will contact you.


Stormwater Question or Concern

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For additional information on best management practices or standard operating procedures, contact EHS at 205-348-5905.